self care

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

Navigating the winter season with kids in tow can be a concern for many parents. The flu and other viruses tend to make their rounds during this time, and keeping our little ones healthy is a top priority, especially during the holidays. But don’t worry, there are simple steps you can add to your routine to ensure your child stays happy and healthy, even when the cold weather sets in.

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Never has there been a more critical time in our world for children to practice self-care. By doing activities that help them to slow down, relax, and boost their health, children can become more aware of their physical and emotional needs. In doing so, they can position themselves to learn more effectively and prepare for potential stressors that lie ahead.