Kids Test Authority

Parenting, oh boy, what a wild ride, right? I've been there in the trenches, dealing with tantrums, endless questions, and the never-ending tests of authority.

It's tough, but here's the lowdown on what worked for me and might just work for you too.

When you bring that tiny human home, it's a mix of joy and wondering if you've got what it takes. The decisions you make set the stage, and trust me, it can be overwhelming.

Diapers, feeding, and the sleep dance - we tackle these early on. But around 18 months, independence kicks in, and that's a whole new ball game.

Now, every kiddo is a born explorer, right? They want to know everything. And that's when the authority tests start. They're not trying to be naughty; they're just little scientists figuring out the world.

It can get frustrating, I get it. Emotions can run high - frustration, resentment, the whole shebang. Been there, done that.

You'll find yourself proving your authority daily, especially with the little ones. You flex those 'parental muscles,' helping them cooperate even when they're a puddle of tears on the floor.

Fast forward to around eight or nine, and things change. You're still the boss, but you won't need to prove it daily. Consequences still matter, but it's a different ballgame.

So, here's the deal - your authority is there, always. You don't have to earn it, just declare it. No need to be the constant corrector; you're the grown-up in the room. Your kiddo learns the ropes, consequences and all.

It's a wild journey, but it's beautiful. Embrace your role, declare it with confidence, and watch those little rascals thrive under your loving guidance. You got this, mama!

If you’re feeling a little unsure about something or have a question, I’m just a click away. I am your biggest fan. I believe in you and a little support might just be all that’s needed to move things along in a beautiful direction.